The Finish Line - Drastic//Automatic
By Ollie Newing
Entering the new year in a typical Drastic fashion, friends of FLARE Drastic//Automatic return with their latest single The Finish Line…
The Finish Line - Drastic//Automatic. Photo: @jamburrito1/
Following up The Cup Final, their closing release of 2022, D//A are charging ahead with The Finish Line which seems to follow similar themes of cultural frustration from the previous single, but when in reality, D//A are making music for the people always on the go, the people that can never stop.
The theme of time passing uncontrollably can be heard in the crashing rhythm section almost rushing through the song with the vocals never quite ‘catching up’. There are short instrumental sections of the track where you’d expect to find vocals filling the gaps but is instead filled by chaotic guitar riffs serving as the track’s backdrop. This uncannily conveys the feeling of not being in control as life passes you by, as you’re forced to rush through it, fighting the feeling of motionlessness.
Hession’s vocals cement this impending doom through the language used within his lyrics. As the words comatose // guillotine // noose pierce through the industrial clattering, each one connotes disaster and the motionless existence that follows when death has graced your mortal shell.
The track as a whole, I think is super clean and simply put, has a great sound to it. The vocals give me very early Rou Reynolds (Enter Shikari) vibes while the instruments bring the grunge/punk vibe which stylistically pair really well; one not allowing the other to overpower and result in a mess of sound.
To play the devil’s advocate, I think the only real bit of criticism I can give is that there are a few too many long gaps in the track itself. I reckon reeling the track to under 3 minutes would condense it together really well to eliminate empty space and pay tribute to the typicalities of short and snappy DIY punk.
In all honesty though, The Finish Line slaps. Over the past year, I think D//A have given themselves a great platform to build a promising career on. Paired with yet another sharply produced music video and an upcoming sold out show at Sidney and Matilda, there’s no doubt that they’re only on the up. Here’s to hoping the hype will lead to us a debut EP (or LP) before the year is up…