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Gum Disease – Dreaming

Young bedroom punk-rockers Gum Disease (comprised of teens Avery and Harrie) formed earlier this year, and the duo have wasted no time in releasing singles, ‘Lie to Me’, ‘Stars on My Ceiling’, ‘Garbage Man’ and ‘Dreaming’…

Gum Disease - Dreaming

‘Dreaming’ sees a nostalgic nod to the teen angst that we ourselves once used to fuel our own music. With powerful, explorative lyrics delving into personal struggles, trebly, distorted guitars and a rough and ready feel, ‘Dreaming’ certainly feels like a notorious piece of early creativity.

Due to the Gum Disease being new to the scene, there are obviously a few things that will need a little work. The contrasting percussive introduction is a nice touch, welcoming overdriven guitars that could have been tuned a little tighter. The rhythm section throughout the track is neat but a little busy and feels as if its battling with the weight of the track’s crunchy guitars.   

The vocals have no issue in conveying the emotive frustration of the lyrical content effectively, but there are a couple of things that need improvement which will come with time and experience. The phrasing of certain words fall short and lose their impact due to breath placement- the vocalist isn’t taking their breaths in the right places so the lyrics can feel a little jolty at times within the track. This would also improve the power behind the vocals, as if there isn’t enough breath, then the more powerful sections can risk slipping out of key.

These improvements will simply come with practice and experience, however. With punk, you can afford to have a rougher edge to the music but once there is more attention to detail within instrumental tuning and vocal control, Gum Disease’s sound will be ready to smash its way through 2021. Check the teens out below!

Instagram: @gumdiseasemusic

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/25itdmmrghZywmURaJZ0mv?si=DrP20QRtScOylmdJy6V_QQ